Molecules and Medicine
Store Name: Online StoreProduct Condition: Good As NewCondition: NilExpiry date: NilWarranty date: Nil Book Type: Non Fiction/Science/Math Product Description Molecules and Medicine provides, for the first time ever, a completely integrated look at chemistry, biology, drug discovery, and medicine. It delves into...
$84.61 $5.00
Archaeological Theory Today Paperback
Store Name: Online StoreProduct Condition: Good As NewCondition: NilExpiry date: NilWarranty date: NilBook Type: Non Fiction/Science/Math Now in a revised and updated second edition, this volume provides an authoritative account of the current status of archaeological theory, as presented by...
$54.00 $3.00
Nuts, Bolts And Magnetrons: A Practical Guide For Industrial Marketers Paperback
Store Name: Online StoreProduct Condition: Good As NewCondition: NilExpiry date: NilWarranty date: NilBook Type: Non Fiction/Science/Math Industrial or business-to-business marketing places very specific demands on those responsible for it. Yet all too often the strengths of these managers are technical,...
$73.00 $3.00
Techniques and Technologies in Morphogenetic Design Paperback
Store Name: Online StoreProduct Condition: Good As NewCondition: NilExpiry date: NilWarranty date: Nil PICTURES FOR ILLUSTRATION ONLY. ACTUAL PACKAGING AND PRINT MAY VARY. Book Type: Science/Math This issue of AD introduces a new approach to architectural practice based on the...
$19.00 $3.00
Exam 70-413 Designing and Implementing a Server Infrastructure Lab Manual
Store Name: Online StoreProduct Condition: Good As NewCondition: NilExpiry date: NilWarranty date: Nil PICTURES FOR ILLUSTRATION ONLY. ACTUAL PACKAGING AND PRINT MAY VARY. Book Type: Science/Math This Microsoft Official Academic Course (MOAC) IT Professional curriculum prepares certification students for success...
$19.00 $3.00
High-performance Engines FORD Small Block: Covers: 400 HP 302 Windsor, 600 HP Cleveland, Factory Cyl. Head Guide, 397 and 416 CID Windsors, Hi-Pp 351W on a Budget, Street Combos Paperback
Store Name: Online StoreProduct Condition: Good As NewCondition: NilExpiry date: NilWarranty date: Nil PICTURES FOR ILLUSTRATION ONLY. ACTUAL PACKAGING AND PRINT MAY VARY. Book Type: Science/Math The 29 articles from Hot Rod magazine cover the Small-Block Ford engines and give...
$34.58 $2.00
Workshop Physics Activity Guide, Module III: Heat Temperature and Nuclear Radiation
Store Name: Online StoreProduct Condition: Good As NewCondition: NilExpiry date: NilWarranty date: Nil PICTURES FOR ILLUSTRATION ONLY. ACTUAL PACKAGING AND PRINT MAY VARY. Book Type: Science/Math The Workshop Physics Activity Guide is a set of student workbooks designed to serve as the...
$83.95 $3.00
Wind Tunnel Testing of High-Rise Buildings: An output of the CTBUH Wind Engineering Working Group Paperback
Store Name: Online StoreProduct Condition: Good As NewCondition: NilExpiry date: NilWarranty date: Nil PICTURES FOR ILLUSTRATION ONLY. ACTUAL PACKAGING AND PRINT MAY VARY. Book Type: Science/Math Since the 1960s, wind tunnel testing has become a commonly used tool in the...
$24.23 $2.00
Investigating Storms (Mission: Science) Library Binding
Store Name: Online StoreProduct Condition: Good As NewCondition: NilExpiry date: NilWarranty date: Nil PICTURES FOR ILLUSTRATION ONLY. ACTUAL PACKAGING AND PRINT MAY VARY. Book Type: Science/Math Discusses the causes and effects of thunderstorms, sandstorms, tornadoes, and blizzards; looks at important...
$10.00 $3.00
MerryGold and the PeriodiCity Mysteries: Halogen Islands
Store Name: Online StoreProduct Condition: Good As NewCondition: NilExpiry date: NilWarranty date: Nil PICTURES FOR ILLUSTRATION ONLY. ACTUAL PACKAGING AND PRINT MAY VARY. Book Type: Science/Math 'MerryGold and The PeriodiCity Mysteries', the second in the 'MerryGold' series, takes place in...
$15.00 $3.00
Twin-Win Research: Breakthrough Theories and Validated Solutions for Societal Benefit, Second Edition Paperback
Store Name: Online StoreProduct Condition: Good As NewCondition: NilExpiry date: NilWarranty date: Nil PICTURES FOR ILLUSTRATION ONLY. ACTUAL PACKAGING AND PRINT MAY VARY. Book Type: Science/Math The thrill of discovery and the excitement of innovation mean that research is often...
$10.00 $2.00
Engineers Engaging Community: Water and Energy (Synthesis Lectures on Engineers, Technology, and Society)
Store Name: Online Store Product Condition: Good As NewCondition: NilExpiry date: NilWarranty date: Nil PICTURES FOR ILLUSTRATION ONLY. ACTUAL PACKAGING AND PRINT MAY VARY. Book Type: Science/Math Water and energy are fundamental elements of community well-being and economic development, and...
$40.13 $2.00
Link between Spatial and Mathematical Skills across the Preschool Years Paperback
Store Name: Online StoreProduct Condition: Good As NewCondition: NilExpiry date: NilWarranty date: Nil PICTURES FOR ILLUSTRATION ONLY. ACTUAL PACKAGING AND PRINT MAY VARY. Book Type: Science/Math Understanding the development of spatial skills is important for improving overall success in STEM...
$56.48 $2.00
The Family Life Project: An Epidemiological and Developmental Study of Young Children Living in Poor Rural Communities: 78 Paperback
Store Name: Online StoreProduct Condition: Good As NewCondition: NilExpiry date: NilWarranty date: Nil PICTURES FOR ILLUSTRATION ONLY. ACTUAL PACKAGING AND PRINT MAY VARY. Book Type: Science/Math About 20% of children in the United States live in rural communities, with child...
$66.51 $2.00
Mulberry: Genetic Improvement in Context of Climate Change Paperback
Store Name: Online StoreProduct Condition: Good As NewCondition: NilExpiry date: NilWarranty date: Nil PICTURES FOR ILLUSTRATION ONLY. ACTUAL PACKAGING AND PRINT MAY VARY. Book Type: Science/Math Comprises the latest research findings of experts in mulberry(Morus spp.), an important plant in...
$15.00 $3.00
Using Data-Informed Decision Making to Improve Student Affairs Practic
Store Name: Online StoreProduct Condition: Good As NewCondition: NilExpiry date: NilWarranty date: Nil PICTURES FOR ILLUSTRATION ONLY. ACTUAL PACKAGING AND PRINT MAY VARY. Book Type: Science/Math Is the data available on your college campus fully utilized? Analyzing data does not...
$19.00 $2.00
Spatial Regression Models Paperback
Store Name: Online StoreProduct Condition: Good As NewCondition: NilExpiry date: NilWarranty date: Nil PICTURES FOR ILLUSTRATION ONLY. ACTUAL PACKAGING AND PRINT MAY VARY. Book Type: Maths/Science Assuming no prior knowledge this book is geared toward social science readers, unlike other...
$15.00 $3.00
Relations Of Particles, The: 42 Paperback
Store Name: Online StoreProduct Condition: Good As NewCondition: NilExpiry date: NilWarranty date: Nil PICTURES FOR ILLUSTRATION ONLY. ACTUAL PACKAGING AND PRINT MAY VARY. Book Type: Math/Science This volume brings together a collection of review talks and popular science papers by...
$89.96 $3.00
Bohr-jessen Limit Theorem, Revisited: 31 Paperback
Store Name: Online StoreProduct Condition: Good As NewCondition: NilExpiry date: NilWarranty date: Nil PICTURES FOR ILLUSTRATION ONLY. ACTUAL PACKAGING AND PRINT MAY VARY. Book Type: Math/Science This book is a self-contained exposition on the Bohr-Jessen limit theorem. This limit theorem,...
$89.00 $3.00
From Bioinspired Systems and Biomedical Applications to Machine Learning: 8th International Work-Conference on the Interplay Between Natural and ... Computer Science and General Issues)
Store Name: Online StoreProduct Condition: Good As NewCondition: NilExpiry date: NilWarranty date: Nil PICTURES FOR ILLUSTRATION ONLY. ACTUAL PACKAGING AND PRINT MAY VARY. Book Type: Math/Science The two volume set LNCS 11486 and 11487 constitutes the proceedings of the International...
$50.22 $3.00
Solutions Manual to accompany Introduction to Linear Regression Analysis Paperback
Store Name: Online StoreProduct Condition: Good As NewCondition: NilExpiry date: NilWarranty date: Nil PICTURES FOR ILLUSTRATION ONLY. ACTUAL PACKAGING AND PRINT MAY VARY. Book Type: Science/Math As the Solutions Manual, this book is meant to accompany the main title, Introduction to Linear...
$89.60 $3.00
Astronomical Spectroscopy: An Introduction To The Atomic And Molecular Physics Of Astronomical Spectra (2nd Edition) Paperback
Store Name: Online StoreProduct Condition: Good As NewCondition: NilExpiry date: NilWarranty date: Nil PICTURES FOR ILLUSTRATION ONLY. ACTUAL PACKAGING AND PRINT MAY VARY. Book Type: Math/Science New Edition: Astronomical Spectroscopy (3rd Edition)Nearly all information about the Universe comes from the...
$58.36 $3.00
How Do We Know the Nature of the Cell (Great Scientific Questions and the Scientists Who Answered Them)
Store Name: Online StoreProduct Condition: Good As NewCondition: NilExpiry date: NilWarranty date: Nil PICTURES FOR ILLUSTRATION ONLY. ACTUAL PACKAGING AND PRINT MAY VARY. Book Type: Math/Science Reviews discoveries that led to mankind's understanding that the cell is the fundamental unit...
$39.80 $3.00
X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy for the Chemical and Materials Science
Store Name: Online StoreProduct Condition: Good As NewCondition: NilExpiry date: NilWarranty date: Nil PICTURES FOR ILLUSTRATION ONLY. ACTUAL PACKAGING AND PRINT MAY VARY. Book Type: Math/Science A clear-cut introduction to the technique and applications of x-ray absorption spectroscopy X-ray Absorption...
$50.25 $3.00
Thermodynamics For Dummies Paperback
Store Name: Online StoreProduct Condition: Good As NewCondition: NilExpiry date: NilWarranty date: Nil PICTURES FOR ILLUSTRATION ONLY. ACTUAL PACKAGING AND PRINT MAY VARY. Book Type: Math/Science Take some heat off the complexity of thermodynamics Does the mere thought of thermodynamics...
$19.54 $5.00
Basic Molecular Protocols in Neuroscience: Tips, Tricks, and Pitfalls Paperback
Store Name: Online StoreProduct Condition: Good As NewCondition: NilExpiry date: NilWarranty date: Nil PICTURES FOR ILLUSTRATION ONLY. ACTUAL PACKAGING AND PRINT MAY VARY. Book Type: Science/Math Basic Neuroscience Protocols: Tips, Tricks, and Pitfalls contains explanatory sections that describe the techniques...
$67.96 $3.00
Store Name: Online StoreProduct Condition: Good As NewCondition: NilExpiry date: NilWarranty date: Nil PICTURES FOR ILLUSTRATION ONLY. ACTUAL PACKAGING AND PRINT MAY VARY. Book Type: Math/Science This volume is a collection of the Nobel Lectures delivered by the prizewinners, together...
$29.00 $5.00
Newton Methods for Nonlinear Problems: Affine Invariance and Adaptive Algorithms (Springer Series in Computational Mathematics, 35)
Store Name: Online StoreProduct Condition: Good As NewCondition: NilExpiry date: NilWarranty date: Nil PICTURES FOR ILLUSTRATION ONLY. ACTUAL PACKAGING AND PRINT MAY VARY. Book Type: Math/Science This book deals with the efficient numerical solution of challenging nonlinear problems in science...
$75.61 $3.00
On-Site Guide (BS 7671:2008+A3:2015)
Store Name: Online StoreProduct Condition: Good As NewCondition: NilExpiry date: NilWarranty date: Nil PICTURES FOR ILLUSTRATION ONLY. ACTUAL PACKAGING AND PRINT MAY VARY. Book Type: Math/Science Vital changes have been made in Amendment 3 regarding safety for contractors and consumers....
$58.08 $3.00
Quantum Field Theory: From Basics to Modern Topics Hardcover
Store Name: Online StoreProduct Condition: Good As NewCondition: NilExpiry date: NilWarranty date: Nil PICTURES FOR ILLUSTRATION ONLY. ACTUAL PACKAGING AND PRINT MAY VARY. Book Type: Math/Science This modern text combines fundamental principles with advanced topics and recent techniques in a...
$97.76 $5.00
The Chemical Element: Chemistry's Contribution to Our Global Future
Store Name: Online StoreProduct Condition: Good As NewCondition: NilExpiry date: NilWarranty date: Nil PICTURES FOR ILLUSTRATION ONLY. ACTUAL PACKAGING AND PRINT MAY VARY. Book Type: Math/Science In the International Year of Chemistry, prominent scientists highlight the major advances in the...
$30.74 $5.00
Water: Science, Policy, and Management: 16 Paperback
Store Name: Online StoreProduct Condition: Good As NewCondition: NilExpiry date: NilWarranty date: Nil PICTURES FOR ILLUSTRATION ONLY. ACTUAL PACKAGING AND PRINT MAY VARY. Book Type: Math/Science Published by the American Geophysical Union as part of the Water Resources Monograph Series,...
$41.79 $5.00
Physics I Workbook For Dummies Paperback
Store Name: Online StoreProduct Condition: Good As NewCondition: NilExpiry date: NilWarranty date: Nil PICTURES FOR ILLUSTRATION ONLY. ACTUAL PACKAGING AND PRINT MAY VARY. Book Type: Math/Science Unleash your inner Einstein and score higher in physics Do you have a handle...
$23.20 $3.00
Statics For Dummies Paperback
Store Name: Online StoreProduct Condition: Good As NewCondition: NilExpiry date: NilWarranty date: Nil PICTURES FOR ILLUSTRATION ONLY. ACTUAL PACKAGING AND PRINT MAY VARY. Book Type: Math/Science The fast and easy way to ace your statics course Does the study of...
$33.66 $3.00
Linear Algebra, Solutions Manual: Ideas and Applications
Store Name: Online StoreProduct Condition: Good As NewCondition: NilExpiry date: NilWarranty date: Nil PICTURES FOR ILLUSTRATION ONLY. ACTUAL PACKAGING AND PRINT MAY VARY. Book Type: Math/Science This Student Solutions Manual to Accompany Linear Algebra: Ideas and Applications, Fourth Edition contains solutions to...
$26.00 $3.00
Quantum Mechanics, Volume 2
Store Name: Online StoreProduct Condition: Good As NewCondition: NilExpiry date: NilWarranty date: Nil PICTURES FOR ILLUSTRATION ONLY. ACTUAL PACKAGING AND PRINT MAY VARY. Book Type: Math/Science Beginning students of quantum mechanics frequently experience difficulties separating essential underlying principles from the...
$92.00 $10.00
Heat and Mass Transfer: Fundamentals and Applications Hardcover
Store Name: Online StoreProduct Condition: Good As NewCondition: NilExpiry date: NilWarranty date: Nil PICTURES FOR ILLUSTRATION ONLY. ACTUAL PACKAGING AND PRINT MAY VARY. Book Type: Math/Science With complete coverage of the basic principles of heat transfer and a broad range...
$79.00 $12.00
Design of Low-temperature Domestic Heating Systems: A Guide for System Designers and Installers
Store Name: Online StoreProduct Condition: Good As NewCondition: NilExpiry date: NilWarranty date: Nil PICTURES FOR ILLUSTRATION ONLY. ACTUAL PACKAGING AND PRINT MAY VARY. Book Type: Math/Science Low-temperature systems can improve energy efficiency and hence reduce fuel consumption and CO2 emissions....
$10.00 $2.00
Solutions Manual for Actuarial Mathematics for Life Contingent Risks
Store Name: Online StoreProduct Condition: Good As NewCondition: NilExpiry date: NilWarranty date: Nil Book Type: Maths/Science This must-have manual provides solutions to all exercises in the authors' groundbreaking text, which is required reading for the SOA Exam MLC, and covers...
$74.13 $3.00
Varieties of Things: Foundations of Contemporary Metaphysics
Store Name: Online StoreProduct Condition: Good As NewCondition: NilExpiry date: NilWarranty date: Nil Book Type: Math/Science A book about the things that we encounter in everyday experience. Contains a thorough and accessible discussion of the nature and aims of metaphysics....
$44.80 $3.00
The Tansley Review Collections II: Mycorrhizas – Structure and Function (New Phytologist Special Publications)
Store Name: Online StoreProduct Condition: Good As NewCondition: NilExpiry date: NilWarranty date: Nil Book Type: Maths/Science  
$50.00 $3.00
Vibrations and Waves Paperback
Store Name: Online StoreProduct Condition: Good As NewCondition: NilExpiry date: NilWarranty date: Nil Book Type: Maths/Science This introductory text emphasises physical principles, rather than the mathematics. Each topic begins with a discussion of the physical characteristics of the motion or...
$86.00 $3.00
Bose, Spin And Fermi Systems: Problems And Solutions
Store Name: Online StoreProduct Condition: Good As NewCondition: NilExpiry date: NilWarranty date: Nil Book Type: Math/Science This book provides a comprehensive collection of problems together with their detailed solutions for Bose, Spin, Fermi systems and also interacting systems. Supplementary problems...
$52.80 $3.00
Audel Electric Motors
$38.16 $3.00
Audel Electric Motors
Store Name: Online StoreProduct Condition: Good As NewCondition: NilExpiry date: NilWarranty date: Nil Book Type: Math/Science Here's the ultimate motor toolIf you need information about installing, repairing, and maintaining any type of electric motor, this book belongs in your toolbox....
$38.16 $3.00
Store Name: Online StoreProduct Condition: Good As NewCondition: NilExpiry date: NilWarranty date: Nil Book Type: History/Math/Science This book is a collection of personal memories about the people who participated in the USSR atomic project — Landau, Alikhanov, Pomeranchuk, Alikhanian, Migdal...
$60.50 $5.00
Energy In The 21st Century (2nd Edition)
Store Name: Online StoreProduct Condition: Good As NewCondition: NilExpiry date: NilWarranty date: Nil Book Type: Math/Science Energy may be the most important factor that will influence the shape of society in the 21st century. The cost and availability of energy...
Preparing Teachers For Three-Dimensional Instruction Paperback
Store Name: Online StoreProduct Condition: Good As NewCondition: NilExpiry date: NilWarranty date: NilBook Type: Non Fiction/Math/Science It’s not enough for teachers to read through the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and correlate their content to the established curriculum. Teachers must...
$59.00 $3.00
SAT Prep Plus 2020: 5 Practice Tests + Proven Strategies + Online (Kaplan Test Prep) Paperback
Store Name: Online StoreProduct Condition: Good As NewCondition: NilExpiry date: NilWarranty date: NilBook Type: Non Fiction/Math/Science Kaplan's SAT Prep Plus 2020 teaches you the ins and outs of the SAT and offers extra study plans, online practice and video lessons to make...
$32.00 $5.00
The School Improvement Specialist Field Guide Paperback
Store Name: Online StoreProduct Condition: Good As NewCondition: NilExpiry date: NilWarranty date: NilBook Type: Non Fiction/Math/Science Improve student achievement by transforming schools as an SIS expert! Deb Page and Judith Hale, SIS authorities, guide new and transitioning school improvement specialists...
$62.00 $5.00
5 Steps To A 5: AP Chemistry 2019 Paperback
Store Name: Online StoreProduct Condition: Good As NewCondition: NilExpiry date: NilWarranty date: NilBook Type: Non Fiction/Math/Science A PERFECT PLAN FOR THE PERFECT SCOREScore-Raising Features Include:•4 full-length practice exams with thorough answer explanations, 2 in the book + 2 on Cross-Platform•Hundreds of...
$30.00 $5.00

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