2015/2016 Top 100 Nonprescription Drug Cards
Store Name: Online StoreProduct Condition: Good As NewCondition: NilExpiry date: NilWarranty date: Nil Book Type: Medical Great for pharmacy course review and NAPLEX preparation! A fun, fast way to learn essential information about the most popular over-the-counter medications and herbal...
$87.00 $5.00
Dental Materials: Clinical Applications For Dental Assistants And Dental Hygienists Paperback
Store Name: Online StoreProduct Condition: Good As NewCondition: NilExpiry date: NilWarranty date: NilBook Type: Non Fiction/Medical With this hands-on resource, you will learn the most current methods of placing - or assisting in the placement - of dental materials, and...
$105.00 $10.00
Local Anaesthesia in Dentistry Paperback
Store Name: Online StoreProduct Condition: Good As NewCondition: NilExpiry date: NilWarranty date: NilBook Type: Non Fiction/Medical Local Anaesthesia in Dentistry is a practical guide for both students and general practitioners to this essential area of clinical practice. Highly illustrated in full...
$70.00 $3.00
Diploma In Dental Nursing, Level 3 Paperback
Store Name: Online StoreProduct Condition: Good As NewCondition: NilExpiry date: NilWarranty date: NilBook Type: Non Fiction/Medical Diploma in Dental Nursing, Level 3 is the new edition of the must-have study companion for trainee dental nurses preparing for the City & Guilds...
$73.00 $10.00
Clinical Approaches To Tachyarrhythmias, The Long QT Syndrome: Volume 7 Paperback
Store Name: Online StoreProduct Condition: Good As NewCondition: NilExpiry date: NilWarranty date: NilBook Type: Non Fiction/Medical The long QT syndrome has become the focus of considerable scientific attention in recent years because of the discovery of several genes responsible for...
$98.00 $3.00
Opening Doors: Pathways to Diverse Donors Hardcover
Store Name: Online StoreProduct Condition: Good As NewCondition: NilExpiry date: NilWarranty date: NilBook Type: Non Fiction/Medical Winner of the 2002 Skystone Ryan Research Prize from the Association of Fundraising Professionals. Sponsored by the prestigious Council on Foundations, Opening Doors is a down-to-earth...
$57.00 $3.00
Clinical Trials Paperback
Store Name: Online StoreProduct Condition: Good As NewCondition: NilExpiry date: NilWarranty date: NilBook Type: Non Fiction/Medical This authoritative book discusses the use of clinical trials in health sciences including why they are important, how to do them and how they...
$66.00 $2.00
Medical Dosage Calculations For Dummies Paperback
Store Name: Online StoreProduct Condition: Good As NewCondition: NilExpiry date: NilWarranty date: NilBook Type: Non Fiction/Medical Score your highest in a medical dosage calculations course A recent shortage of nurses in a society with an aging population has triggered the...
$36.00 $10.00
Learning and Attention Disorders in Adolescence and Adulthood: Assessment and Treatment Hardcover
Store Name: Online StoreProduct Condition: Good As NewCondition: NilExpiry date: NilWarranty date: NilBook Type: Non Fiction/Medical Fully revised coverage with the most current diagnoses and treatments for adolescents and adults living with learning and attention disorders Reflecting the most recent...
$99.00 $10.00
High Blood Pressure For Dummies Paperback
Store Name: Online StoreProduct Condition: Good As NewCondition: NilExpiry date: NilWarranty date: NilBook Type: Non Fiction/Medical New info on high blood pressure in women, children, and the elderly The fun and easy way to take charge of hypertension and add...
$37.00 $10.00
Central Venous Catheters: 26 Paperback
Store Name: Online StoreProduct Condition: Good As NewCondition: NilExpiry date: NilWarranty date: NilBook Type: Non Fiction/Medical This book addresses all the issues a patient may experience prior to receiving a VAD. Selection of equipment, practical aspects of technique, the pros...
$83.00 $3.00
Epidural Analgesia In Acute Pain Management Paperback
Store Name: Online StoreProduct Condition: Good As NewCondition: NilExpiry date: NilWarranty date: NilBook Type: Non Fiction/Medical Epidurals are increasingly popular and have become more versatile, with applications in adult surgery, trauma, obstetrics and paediatric practice. This book of best practice...
$71.00 $3.00
Workbook And Competency Evaluation Review For Mosby's Textbook For Long-Term Care Nursing Assistants Paperback
Store Name: Online StoreProduct Condition: Good As NewCondition: NilExpiry date: NilWarranty date: NilBook Type: Non Fiction/Medical Get a complete study guide and certification review in one book with the Workbook and Competency Evaluation Review for Mosby's Textbook for Long-Term Care...
$87.91 $10.00
Clinical Companion To Medical-Surgical Nursing: Assessment And Management of Clinical Problems Paperback
Store Name: Online StoreProduct Condition: Good As NewCondition: NilExpiry date: NilWarranty date: NilBook Type: Non Fiction/Medical Disorders section covers commonly encountered medical-surgical conditions in a consistent, clinically relevant presentation that includes: Definition/Description Pathophysiology Clinical Manifestations Complications Diagnostic Studies Collaborative Care (including...
$39.00 $3.00
Building Genetic Medicine: Breast Cancer, Technology, And The Comparative Politics of Health Care (Inside Technology) Paperback
Store Name: Online StoreProduct Condition: Good As NewCondition: NilExpiry date: NilWarranty date: NilBook Type: Non Fiction/Medical A comparative study of genetic testing for breast and ovarian cancer in the United States and Britain that shows the importance of national context...
$9.00 $3.00
Building The Successful Veterinary Practice Leadership Tools 1 Paperback
Store Name: Online StoreProduct Condition: Good As NewCondition: NilExpiry date: NilWarranty date: Nil Book Type: Non Fiction/Business & Medical Product Description This is the first volume of a multi-volume set of veterinary practice leadership and management resources. Veterinarians will discover the...
$90.72 $3.00
A Manual For Primary Human Cell Culture 2nd Edition
Store Name: Online StoreProduct Condition: Good As NewCondition: NilExpiry date: NilWarranty date: NilBook Type: Non Fiction/Medical Product Description This manual is designed to serve as a practical guide to primary human cell culture, which is integral in both academic and...
$41.80 $3.00
Surgical Interviews The Survival Guide
Store Name: Online StoreProduct Condition: Good As NewCondition: NilExpiry date: NilWarranty date: NilBook Type: Non Fiction/Medical Product Description Prepare, prepare, prepare! Surgical Interviews: The Survival Guide is a highly detailed handbook of what to expect during surgical interviews, including applications...
$78.76 $3.00
Medical Science In The 21st Century Sunset Or New Dawn
Store Name: Online StoreProduct Condition: Good As NewCondition: NilExpiry date: NilWarranty date: NilBook Type: Non Fiction/Medical Product Description This book sets out the unique and paradoxical position biomedical science finds itself in, in the early 21st (superscript st) century. Science...
$52.80 $3.00
Advanced Cardiac Life Support A Guide For Nurses
Store Name: Online StoreProduct Condition: Good As NewCondition: NilExpiry date: NilWarranty date: NilBook Type: Non Fiction/Medical Product Description Advanced Cardiac Life Support In the event of an adult cardiac arrest, it is essential to be able to respond rapidly, providing...
$68.38 $3.00
Maternity And Women's Health Care
Store Name: Online StoreProduct Condition: Good As NewCondition: NilExpiry date: NilWarranty date: NilBook Type: Non Fiction/Medical Product Description With comprehensive coverage of maternal, newborn, and women's health nursing, Maternity & Women's Health Care, 10th Edition provides evidence-based coverage of everything...
$102.94 $3.00
Diverticular Disease
Store Name: Online StoreProduct Condition: Good As NewCondition: NilExpiry date: NilWarranty date: NilBook Type: Non Fiction/Medical Product Description Diverticular disease first became recognised at the beginning of the 20th century and although the incidence of the disease is not known,...
$73.23 $3.00
The Cattle Health Handbook Preventive Care Disease Treatments And Emergency Procedures For Promoting The Well Being Of Your Beef Or Dairy Herd
Store Name: Online StoreProduct Condition: Good As NewCondition: NilExpiry date: NilWarranty date: NilBook Type: Non Fiction/Medical Product Description In this practical guide, Heather Smith Thomas provides easy-to-execute solutions for a variety of common medical situations that can afflict your animals,...
$40.76 $3.00
Epidemiology Evidence Based Medicine And Public Health
Store Name: Online StoreProduct Condition: Good As NewCondition: NilExpiry date: NilWarranty date: NilBook Type: Non Fiction/Medical Product Description Translating the evidence from the bedside to populationsThis sixth edition of the best-selling Epidemiology, Evidence-based Medicine and Public Health Lecture Notes equips students and...
$63.38 $3.00
Current Indications For The Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator
Store Name: Online StoreProduct Condition: Good As NewCondition: NilExpiry date: NilWarranty date: NilBook Type: Non Fiction/Medical Product Description In this book, well-known physicians, Bocker, Eckardt and Breithardt have put together a succinct and focused book that compliments the CATA Series...
$81.32 $3.00
Initiating And Sustaining The Clinical Nurse Leader Role
Store Name: Online StoreProduct Condition: Good As NewCondition: NilExpiry date: NilWarranty date: NilBook Type: Non Fiction/Medical Product Description The revised Initiating and Sustaining the Clinical Nurse Leader Role A Practical Guide,Second Edition focuses on the evolution of the CNL role...
$69.03 $3.00
Fundamentals Of Health Promotion For Nurses
Store Name: Online StoreProduct Condition: Good As NewCondition: NilExpiry date: NilWarranty date: NilBook Type: Non Fiction/Medical Product Description Fundamentals of Health Promotion for Nurses is a concise, accessible introduction to health promotion and public health for pre-registration nursing students and newly qualified...
$61.90 $3.00
Labour Ward Rules
$70.85 $3.00
Labour Ward Rules
Store Name: Online StoreProduct Condition: Good As NewCondition: NilExpiry date: NilWarranty date: NilBook Type: Non Fiction/Medical Product Description This book provides a practical set of rules to guide and help trainee obstetricians and midwives to understand the concepts of labour...
$70.85 $3.00
Antibiotics and Antibiotic Resistance
Store Name: Online StoreProduct Condition: Good As NewCondition: NilExpiry date: NilWarranty date: NilBook Type: Non Fiction/Medical Product Description This book, which is the translated version of a Swedish book, combines a general introduction of a variety of antibiotics with a...
$79.36 $3.00
Succeeding in Nursing and Midwifery Education
Store Name: Online StoreProduct Condition: Good As NewCondition: NilExpiry date: NilWarranty date: NilBook Type: Non Fiction/Medical Product Description Succeeding in Nursing & Midwifery Education draws attention to some of the most important issues in current nursing and midwifery education, from initial considerations...
$37.00 $3.00
Creating Hysteria Women And Multiple Personality Disorder Paperback
Store Name: Online StoreProduct Condition: Good As NewCondition: NilExpiry date: NilWarranty date: NilBook Type: Non Fiction/Medical Product Description From 1985 to 1995 an estimated 40,000 Americans, most of themwomen, were told they suffered from multiple personality disorder.Feminists, fundamentalists, and a...
$45.80 $3.00
Respiratory Care Essential Clinical Skills for Nurses
Store Name: Online StoreProduct Condition: Good As NewCondition: NilExpiry date: NilWarranty date: Nil Book Type: Non Fiction/Medical Product Description Respiratory care is a beginner's guide to care of patients with respiratory illness. It contains evidence-based guidelines to enable students and newly qualified...
$69.20 $3.00
ABC Of Antithrombotic Therapy 49 Paperback Illustrated
Store Name: Online StoreProduct Condition: Good As NewCondition: NilExpiry date: NilWarranty date: Nil Book Type: Non Fiction/Medical Product Description Aimed specifically at general practitioners, this new addition to the series covers an important area of cardiovascular therapy. It discusses both the...
$41.00 $3.00
Understanding Your Borderline Personality Disorder A Workbook 2 Paperback Illustrated
Store Name: Online StoreProduct Condition: Good As NewCondition: NilExpiry date: NilWarranty date: Nil Book Type: Non Fiction/Medical Product Description A psychotherapeutic workbook that clinicians can use with those newly diagnosed with borderline personality disorder to provide basic information about the disorder...
$32.91 $5.00
Vaccines: A Reappraisal Paperback
Store Name: Online StoreProduct Condition: Good As NewCondition: NilExpiry date: NilWarranty date: NilBook Type: Non Fiction/Medical Drawing on fifty years of experience caring for children and adults, Dr. Moskowitz examines vaccines and our current policy regarding them. Weaving together a...
$15.00 $3.00
Nobel Lectures In Physiology Or Medicine (2006-2010) 1st Edition Paperback
Store Name: Online StoreProduct Condition: Good As NewCondition: NilExpiry date: NilWarranty date: NilBook Type: Non Fiction/Medical Physiology or medicine was the third prize area Alfred Nobel mentioned in his will. Nobel had an active interest in medical research. He came...
$26.00 $10.00
Obesity and Diabetes: New Surgical and Nonsurgical Approaches Hardcover
Store Name: Online StoreProduct Condition: Good As NewCondition: NilExpiry date: NilWarranty date: NilBook Type: Non Fiction/Medical This timely and clinically oriented book uniquely addresses the entire spectrum of treatment for severe obesity and diabetes. It thoroughly examines all aspects from...
$107.00 $3.00
Kids' Food Allergies for Dummies Paperback
Store Name: Online StoreProduct Condition: Good As NewCondition: NilExpiry date: NilWarranty date: NilBook Type: Non Fiction/Medical Everything you need to know to look after kids with food allergy Managing food allergy is vital for the safety of kids in your...
$10.00 $5.00
The Future For Health Promotion Paperback
Store Name: Online StoreProduct Condition: Good As NewCondition: NilExpiry date: NilWarranty date: NilBook Type: Non Fiction/Medical Taking in to account the practical and ethical issues involved in deciding the appropriate approach to take in efforts to reduce health inequalities, the...
$52.00 $3.00
Medical Microbiology And Infection Paperback
Store Name: Online StoreProduct Condition: Good As NewCondition: NilExpiry date: NilWarranty date: NilBook Type: Non Fiction/Medical Medical Microbiology and Infection Lecture Notes is ideal for medical students, junior doctors, pharmacy students, junior pharmacists, nurses, and those training in the allied health...
$64.00 $3.00
The Handbook Of Stress: Neuropsychological Effects On The Brain: 3 Hardcover
Store Name: Online StoreProduct Condition: Good As NewCondition: NilExpiry date: NilWarranty date: NilBook Type: Non Fiction/Medical The Handbook of Stress: Neuropsychological Effects on the Brain is an authoritative guide to the effects of stress on brain health, with a collection of...
$85.00 $19.00
The Hands-on Guide To Clinical Pharmacology Paperback
Store Name: Online StoreProduct Condition: Good As NewCondition: NilExpiry date: NilWarranty date: NilBook Type: Non Fiction/Medical Are you about to sit your pharmacology exams? Do you lack confidence in prescribing? Would it help to have a quick reference, pocket-sized reassurance...
$62.00 $3.00
Medicare For Dummies Paperback
Store Name: Online StoreProduct Condition: Good As NewCondition: NilExpiry date: NilWarranty date: NilBook Type: Non Fiction/Medical Weave your way through the tangled web of MedicareMedicare for Dummies, 3rd Edition will help you navigate the complicated, often confusing maze of the Medicare system....
$39.00 $5.00
Hidradenitis Suppurativa: A Diagnostic Atlas Paperback
Store Name: Online StoreProduct Condition: Good As NewCondition: NilExpiry date: NilWarranty date: NilBook Type: Non Fiction/Medical Hidradenitis Suppurativa: A Diagnostic Atlas provides a unique visual aid to the diagnosis of Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS), also known as "acne inversa." The book covers...
$72.00 $3.00
Developmental Neuropathology (International Society Of Neuropathology Series) 2nd Edition
Store Name: Online StoreProduct Condition: Good As NewCondition: NilExpiry date: NilWarranty date: NilBook Type: Non Fiction/Medical A definitive, clinically oriented guide to the pathology of genetics of developmental neuropathology Developmental neuropathology relates to the wide range of disorders affecting the...
$162.00 $19.00
Perioperative Practice At A Glance Paperback
Store Name: Online StoreProduct Condition: Good As NewCondition: NilExpiry date: NilWarranty date: NilBook Type: Non Fiction/Medical From the publishers of the market-leading at a Glance series comes this new title on all aspects of caring for patients in the perioperative environment.  From...
$49.00 $3.00
Pharmacology Made Insanely Easy Paperback
Store Name: Online StoreProduct Condition: UsedCondition: Front Top Left Side DamagedExpiry date: NilWarranty date: NilBook Type: Non Fiction/Medical Pocket guide to pharmacology for students, graduates and faculty learning and teaching the discipline. Features a unique two-page format with clinical information...
$41.00 $3.00
Ebola: An Evolving Story Paperback
Store Name: Online StoreProduct Condition: Good As NewCondition: NilExpiry date: NilWarranty date: NilBook Type: Non Fiction/Medical Selected as CHOICE magazine's Outstanding Academic Title, January 2017.The book is a narrative of the unfolding of the Ebola virus disease outbreak from a...
$14.00 $3.00
Membrane Lipidomics For Personalized Health
Store Name: Online StoreProduct Condition: Good As NewCondition: NilExpiry date: NilWarranty date: NilBook Type: Non Fiction-Medical Lipidomics is an important aspect of personalized medicine in relation to nutrition and metabolism. This approach has become important due to the substantial presence...
$54.00 $3.00
Make A Decision: Surgery
Store Name: Online StoreProduct Condition: Good As NewCondition: NilExpiry date: NilWarranty date: NilBook Type: Non Fiction/Medical Taking a role-playing approach, Make A Decision: Surgery allows you to be the book's main character - Dr A. Simpson - a junior general surgeon on...
$25.00 $3.00

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