Princeton Review AP Spanish Language & Culture Prep, 2022: Practice Tests + Content Review + Strategies & Techniques Paperback
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EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO HELP SCORE A PERFECT 5. Ace the AP Spanish Language & Culture Exam with this comprehensive study guide--including 2 full-length practice tests, thorough content reviews & strategies, access to online extras, and audio tracks for realistic listening practice.
Techniques That Actually Work.
- Tried-and-true strategies to help you avoid traps and beat the test
- Essential tactics to help you work smarter, not harder
- Step-by-step instruction on how to crack each question type
Everything You Need to Know to Help Achieve a High Score.
- Fully aligned with the latest College Board standards for AP(R) Spanish Language & Culture
- Audio tracks for realistic practice on the speaking and listening sections--available to download or stream online
- Translations for all practice test passages and questions
- Access to study plans, a handy list of key terms and concepts, and helpful pre-college info via your online Student Tools
Practice Your Way to Excellence.
- 2 full-length practice tests with detailed answer explanations
- Targeted review of verb and grammar forms with drills for each topic
- Sample student essays with scored evaluations